Tuesday, January 06, 2009


I have begun to come to some realizations as of late. As some people know, I have been doing weight watchers for several weeks now and as a happy note have gone down a size in my clothes! But the reality is that although I have lost weight I have gained several things: self-confidence, a real sense of feeling beautiful, and truly beginning to see myself as God has always seen me. I know that when I really sit and think about it, God has always seen me as beautiful and has loved me no matter what I looked like or how much I weighed, but until recently I hadn't loved myself. Another realization I have come to is that the more confident I become the more my OCDs are leaving. I have not only stopped counting as I put on my deodorant but I've stopped counting my steps and I can finally sit wherever I want when I go to lunch and dinner. While these may sound like stupid things, for those of you who really know me, this is huge! Praise the Lord for open my eyes, my heart and for helping me make this huge change in my life! I pray that as the new year continues, so will these new changes!

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