Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Girl

This is a little something I wrote today...it is still a work in progress...but I'd love your feedback!

I'm not the girl you see across a room and just have to get to know.
I'm not the most beautiful girl, smartest girl or sporty girl.
I may not be what you are looking for but I know who I am.

I'm the girl who will hold your hand through the rain and storms that come.
I'm the girl who will love you unconditionally.
I'm the girl who will give you her first and last kiss.
I'm the girl who will learn something new just to be near you.
I'm the girl who will stay up all night to pray for you.
I'm the girl who strives to be beautiful from the inside out.

So don't pass me over because you don't like what you see at first glance.
Give me a chance because I might be just what you need.
God made me who I am, who I need to be.
So don't pass me by because God made me unique.

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