Saturday, February 18, 2006


I have a new obsession. I have been home sick for a few days and being very bored at that so my mother told me about a game that her and my brother like. I tried it out and fell in love! My fastest time is 4 minutes and 24 seconds. Let me know how you do!


Anonymous said...

Yes! Another sudoku convert! I discovered it a few months ago and love it. I'm glad you like it.

Anonymous said...

HA HA...I'm soooo ADDICTED!!! They're amazing:-) I bought a whole book of them! My mom had surgery this past week, and there were like 10 of us doing those puzzles while we waited;) lol...hope all is well with you! miss ya!

recordingartistmom said...

Is it easy to learn??? I would love to try it... dont know if you remember me.. used to go to warsaw wesleyan church and sang a lot. hope you are doing well. glad to see things are going well for you. my blog is
take care. janice cook